Error when starting JEMH 1.0 with JIRA 5.0

Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 9, 2012

Hi all,

when I try to startup JIRA 5.0 I get the error


following plugins failed to load:
JIRA Enterprise Mail Handler (JEMH): There was a problem loading the descriptor for module 'Transactional Annotation Processor' in plugin 'JIRA Enterprise Mail Handler (JEMH)'.
 Could not load class: com.atlassian.activeobjects.external.TransactionalAnnotationProcessor


in file atlassian-jira.log.

Any idea what I have to do



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Andy Brook [Plugin People]
Rising Star
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April 17, 2012

Hi Norbert,

To clarify, JIRA 5+ makes things a lot simpler such that you do not need to copy into WEB-INF/classes, that route is now deprecated in favour of the database backed UI, and should not modify any XML service files, all required configuration can be done through the UI

I am still unable to reproduce your original scenario. I think your problem may be related to how you are trying to trigger JEMH. Don't try setting it as a service, that wont work:-

Following the doco, first need to setup an inbound mail service, once done you can associate a hander with it. JEMH provides a popup configuration screen from which you will need to select a JEMH Profile (configuration that you need to create).

In order to create a JEMH Profile, you need to access to the JEMH cnofiguration screens, which is done through the JIRA Administration screen, flick through the screenshots on plugin exchange for some idea of what to expect.

Cheers, Andy

Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 17, 2012

Hi Andy,

thank you very much for your quick reply.

I get a evaluation license from javahollic and try to install the JEMH again like described. The first is I get further a ever was!

JIRA now starts to read the given mail with

Subject: #issuekey=PSMREG-202


@CT=not relevant

where I try to alter field CT in issue PSMREG-202.

The following error occured in the log file:

2012-04-18 15:36:10,441 QuartzWorker-1 ERROR ServiceRunner    JEMH Mail Handler [jira.emh.service.EnterpriseMessageHandlerImpl] Unhandled Exception occurred during processing (mail will be deleted (to stop re-processing) but forwarded), type=java.lang.NullPointerException), location=com.javahollic.jira.emh.service.DefaultJEMHConfigFactory.getConfiguration(  This may be a BUG: null

Maybe you have an idea to that error?



Andy Brook [Plugin People]
Rising Star
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April 18, 2012

OK, you should have then:

- install the plugin via the plugin exchange, and added your lincense key

- gone to the Profiles tab of the JEMH configuration screen and created your first profile

- created an inbound mail account

- registered an inbound mail handler for that account (JEMH), selecting the profile you created above.

Please clarify that you have done all this.

Observation: You have mixed directive formats that isnt supported, choose subject or email body.

To help your initial setup, set a default Project and reporter that has privilege in the project, such values are used as fallbacks but will help you get issues created and be able to see the results of your configuration changes.

Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 23, 2012

Hi Andy,

thank for the description above.

Now the JEMH is running!

One question left so far: How can I give a folder like INBOX/Testemail where JEMH gets its emails for processing?

Any idea?


Andy Brook [Plugin People]
Rising Star
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April 23, 2012

Glad to hear it! The 'folder' that you want is part of the mailbox configuration, rather than JEMH. According to this you can pick another folder with IMAP based servers.

Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 23, 2012

Hi Andy,

now it works - thank you

The question is now anwered for me.


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Andy Brook [Plugin People]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 17, 2012

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 17, 2012


with using JIRA 5.0.2 and JEMH 1.0.3 I don't get the error described in my original question.

But now, I don't know which handler I have to put in the service-file


Here is my current configuration in the file

              <value>Extendable Mail Handler - EnterpriseMessage</value>

but this generates error:

2012-04-18 12:46:19,828 ERROR [Default IMAP Server] QuartzWorker-1 ServiceRunner JEMH Email Handler JEMH Email Handler[10030]: Unhandled exception: com.javahollic.jira.emh.service.EMHProcessingFailureException: ProjectMapper failed to fixup projectDefaults: null, ProjectMapper failed to fixup projectDefaults: null
2012-04-18 12:46:19,836 ERROR [Default IMAP Server] QuartzWorker-1 ServiceRunner JEMH Email Handler JEMH Email Handler[10030]: Exception: JEMH cannot process mail, there are no configurations available.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: JEMH cannot process mail, there are no configurations available.
at com.javahollic.jira.emh.service.EnterpriseMessageHandlerImpl.handleMessage(
at com.javahollic.jira.emh.service.EnterpriseMessageHandlerProxy.handleMessage(
at com.atlassian.jira.service.ServiceRunner.execute(
at com.atlassian.multitenant.quartz.MultiTenantThreadPool$
at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$

Any idea?

Thank you for an answer.


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Andy Brook [Plugin People]
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 9, 2012

Hi Norbert, strange to see that, I have 5.0 and 5.0.1 here (5.0.2 downloading!). JIRA 5+ ships with Active Objects, from whence this error came. I dont know the cause and haven't seen this before. Perhaps you could raise a support ticket at as this is not the best place for diagnosing problems, a mroe complete logfile may help, and some context of your deployment?

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