Error when changing transition of issue using JIRA REST API

Mark Gatesman June 1, 2022

I am working with an issue workflow with several states, and each state allows "All" states as the previous state. (Not much of a workflow, but that's what I'm working with.)

When fetching /rest/api/2/issue/<issue-id>/transitions on my issue, I get the list of all transitions in the workflow as expected.

However, when calling...

curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"transition": {"id":"21"}}' https://<my-instance>/rest/api/2/issue/<issue-id>/transitions

...I get the following error:

It seems that you have tried to perform a workflow operation (<my operation name>) that is not valid for the current state of this issue (<issue-id>). The likely cause is that somebody has changed the issue recently, please look at the issue history for details

I am able to perform this transition (and any transition) using the JIRA UI.

Is changing transitions using the jira rest api expected to work for workflows that have "All" nodes?

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