Error message "Problem accessing the file" after upload app on UPM

Soraya Suphasaen May 13, 2021


I use Jira-Cloud and tried to upload app on May 13, 2021 (GMT) using UPM that is required to input the URLs for the app ( The error message was shown below.

The last installation with this URLs worked properly for 3 years ago but I uninstalled this app and tried to upload the new one to support the new issue view GUI and face the problem.


I can access via web navigator with the URLs above, but in Jira cloud instance it can't.


Can I get the log file to investigate this problem? and How?

Can everyone advise me how to solve this problem?




3 answers

0 votes
Peter Sarapkin December 10, 2021

I have the same issue. I'm trying to create Connect plugin with the getting started tutorial.

The interesting thing, is that if I make atlassian-connect.json available via internet using ngrok from tutorial - the UPM is downloading file without problems.

But then, when I serve my file to nginx - the UPM cannot download it and I see the same issue that the topic starter shown.

I've tried to find the difference with response headers, and the only difference that I found is that ngrok adding "UTF-8" to Content-Type header, and my nginx server doesn't.

I'll try to fix it, but I think that would not help.

Peter Sarapkin December 10, 2021

As I said, I fixed response header Content-Type, by adding charset=utf-8, but UPM is still showing an error.


And there is no more differences that I've found. So, I don't understand why UPM doesn't want to upload my file.

Peter Sarapkin December 12, 2021

UPD: I moved my file from one hosting to another hosting, but this didn't help. So, I don't understand what UPM needs to upload my plugin.

Peter Sarapkin December 12, 2021

I got it.

The problem was that my server listened for 9091 port, but the 443 port is required.

I didn't find this information in Getting Started guide, I found it on one of the answers in community. 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 12, 2021

Yeah, the getting started guide assumes you're running your server on https (which is port 443 by default)

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 14, 2021

Er, hang on, there's a huge problem here:

You say "I use Jira-Cloud", but your screenshot is of a Server/DC Jira "manage apps" screen.

Could you confirm whether you are on Cloud or Server?  (Easy check - is the url for your Jira <something> or something else?)

Soraya Suphasaen May 14, 2021

Yes, I confirm I use Jira cloud and URL is <something> that there is feature to upload app. I would like to upload my app that run on my server to show something at the right side of the issue view. 

2021-05-14 18_13_18-Window.png

Below is the atlassian-connect.json

"modules": {
"jiraIssueGlances": [
"icon": {
"width": 24,
"height": 24,
"url": "/twpconnector/images/edit-property-icon.svg"
"content": {
"type": "label",
"label": {
"value": "BPS Activity Code"
"target": {
"type": "web_panel",
"url": "/issuemapping?issueKey={issue.key}&projectKey={project.key}"
"name": {
"value": "BPS Activity Code"
"key": "bps-activity-code-issue-panel"
"key": "bps-activity-code",
"name": "BPS's Activity Code",
"description": "Set BPS's Activity Code for each issue.",
"vendor": {
"name": "TWP Team @BKKPS",
"url": ""
"links": {
"self": ""
"lifecycle": {
"installed": "/installed",
"uninstalled": "/uninstalled",
"enabled": "/enabled",
"disabled": "/disabled"
"baseUrl": "",
"authentication": {
"type": "none"
"scopes": [
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 14, 2021

Ok, that means that either

  • Your site is unreachable from the outside (this is the usual culprit of this error)
  • Your site is not serving anything up on that url (this usually gives a different error, but not always)
  • Your site is serving up a file that is unreadable (at a glance, your json looks fine, but I'd want to check what it's actually serving up rather than what you've put in the code in the app)

To check all three of these is simple(ish).  Go outside your corporate network (shut down the vpn, or go to a coffee shop and hook up to their wifi) and try

in your browser.  What does that get you?

Soraya Suphasaen May 14, 2021

Yes, I can access to

by using other networks without vpn but upload via UPM not work.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 15, 2021

Ok, that suggests that the file being served up is unreadable or contains invalid data that means Cloud can't connect to your server.

Soraya Suphasaen May 17, 2021

I don't think so as I deployed the old application version on my server that had ever been uploaded file on UPM successfully since 2017 until 2019 but recently it cannot. Seem Jira cannot access my firewall.

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May 18, 2021

@Nic Brough -Adaptavist- , I am the manager for @Soraya Suphasaen . We need your help to provide the log file or error messages to us in order to investigate this issue.

This issue is urgent for our company now.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 19, 2021

The previous comment says you've got it down to your firewall, rather than the Cloud side.

The logs from Cloud wouldn't help you even if you could get them, all they would say is that the file served up by your system on the url given earlier is not valid, or that it cannot reach the site (because of your firewall or networking)

Also, I have no access to Cloud, I'm not Support.  This site is a place for people to talk about Atlassian.

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 19, 2021

Thanks @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- , we raise this issue to Atlassian Support to follow up this case first.

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Pavel Junek
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May 13, 2021

Hi Soraya,

Atlassian Cloud cannot connect to the server (URL) you are entering, probably because the server will be on a corporate network in a VPN. You need to download the file manually.


Soraya Suphasaen May 14, 2021

Hi @Pavel Junek 

I can access the URL by using public network properly but on UPM (Manage app > Upload app) it cannot. I cannot find the option upload with file. Can you advise me how to upload app manually?


Soraya Suphasaen May 14, 2021

How can I request the log file from Atlassian to find the root cause?

As I can't see anything in the log file on my server and no incoming access through firewall. It seems Atlassian Cloud can't access through the firewall.

But in around 2017 and 2018, I can upload app normally and the SSL config has not been changed for a long time.

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