Epic % complete report

katie mcdermott
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May 5, 2017

Hi there, I'm trying to create a report that will show % status by Epic, similar to the blue progress bars we see in the Epics panel in our backlog (so I know this is already being calculated somewhere!).

Essentially, the report would be very simple and show:

Epic Name                % "Resolved" or "Done" (based on story points)

EPIC 1                       15%

EPIC 2                       70%

....                              ....

We already created a query to show this data and are exporting to excel, but it's a lot of manual work as we have to calculate the % complete in excel, so I'm hoping there is an automated gadget or report we can view instead.

Thank you kindly!

3 answers

2 votes
Rhys Diab _Agile Docs_
Atlassian Partner
October 3, 2019

Hi Katie,

You can use Agile Docs to show the % story points completed of any Epic.

You can also navigate to any set of Epics you like using your existing Quick Filters.


For your use case, you can also deselect the checkbox 'Expand All Epics' to just see the Epics (and not the entire tree)


Hope that helps,


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Jeremy Hennart
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I'm New Here
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April 12, 2019

You can use : https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1213091/epic-sum-up?hosting=cloud&tab=overview

I used this plugin during 30 days, and i had a KPI (based on story points)but the price is so expensive...

0 votes
Sam Hall
Rising Star
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May 5, 2017

Hi Katie - a couple of quick things which may or may not help!:

The Epic Report shows it using a chart for each Epic, but perhaps not exactly what you want.

There are also a few add-ons in the marketplace which sum various metrics at Epic level, so worth a browse through there.

Hopefully others in the community will make further suggestions.

Sam Hall
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 5, 2017

There's also:


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Marcel Nick July 21, 2017

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