Epic Progress Bar Not Updating for DONE and ARCHIVED Statuses

Mladen Savic June 16, 2024


I am encountering an issue where the green progress bar in the epic panel only updates when issues are marked as "DONE" but not when they are marked as "ARCHIVED." I have ensured that the resolution is set correctly for both statuses, and both are categorized as "Done." Despite this, the progress bar does not reflect the updates for the "ARCHIVED" status.

Additionally, the progress bar only turns green when tasks are moved to the rightmost column, ignoring all suggested settings and configurations, no matter how many times they are implemented. Here are the steps I have taken so far:

  1. Set Resolution with Post Functions: I added post functions for the transitions to both "DONE" and "ARCHIVED" statuses to set the resolution to "Done."
  2. Custom Resolution: I created a custom resolution named "Archived" and ensured it is applied during the transition to the "ARCHIVED" status.
  3. Status Categories: I verified that both "DONE" and "ARCHIVED" statuses are in the "Done" category.
  4. Workflow Configuration: I switched from a simplified workflow to a custom workflow to ensure proper control over status transitions and resolutions.
  5. Board Configuration: I ensured that the board configuration uses the correct estimation method and that the columns are mapped correctly.

How I Created the "ARCHIVED" Status:

  1. I went to Jira Administration > Issues > Statuses.
  2. I clicked on Add Status and named it "ARCHIVED."
  3. I assigned it to the "Done" category to ensure it is recognized as a completed status.
  4. I added this status to the workflow and mapped it correctly in the board configuration.

Despite these attempts, the progress bar still does not update for the "ARCHIVED" status. It only updates when tasks are moved to the rightmost column. Could you please assist in resolving this issue so that the progress bar updates for both statuses?

Thank you.

1 answer

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John Funk
Community Leader
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June 16, 2024

Hi Mladen 

It sounds like you are using a scrum board. And indeed, only issues that are in the far right column are considered completed. This is by design for this type of board.

Therefore, you need to map the Archived status to the last (far right) column.

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