After some point, all newly created issues have "Embeds" section keep loading forever. When inspecting network calls, I see
GET /rest/api/3/issue/10056/properties/appsplusEmbedActive?_r=1716406148741
returning 200 and response as
{key: "appsplusEmbedActive", value: {app: "googledocs"}}
returning 404 Not Found and response as
"errors": {},
"errorMessages": [
"The property appsplusEmbedPanel does not exist."
"httpStatusCode": {
"empty": false,
"present": true
"worstReason": {
"empty": false,
"present": true
I notice the `Ap-Client-Key` is `appsplus-google-docs-jira`. However, it's newly created issue and never configured using google doc yet. Not sure if it's the bug.