Email address blacklisted by JIRA email server

Julie Laporte
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July 16, 2020


Because of COVID-19, some co-workers were temporarily laid off and their email address deactivated. It seems that during this time, JIRA email server continued to send email notifications and ended up blacklisting the email adresses in question because the emails kept bouncing.

The person is now back and won't receive her notifications. 

We checked the notifications assistant and everything is fine. We tested the same profile with another email address and it is working fine. We checked the email's black list, blocked addresses and spam folder and nothing. 

The problem really seems to be on the JIRA email server side. 

How can I get the email address to be removed from blacklist/quarantine? Can I read JIRA support for that?

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Julie Laporte
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
January 22, 2021

We reached support and they removed the email addresses from the blacklist. Thank you!

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Gonchik Tsymzhitov
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January 21, 2021


That's interesting option. I hope you connected with support team and fixed your situation.


AGC July 5, 2021

Hello @Gonchik Tsymzhitov 

How can you solve this case of the user who has reported, in my case all the emails that are sent to a tray are created as a new issue in jira and the user is immediately notified that her ticket was created, however I only have one When the user sends email, she creates the issue but does not receive notifications, but she does forward the email from the mailbox if the email arrives.
How can I solve this case.

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