Eclipse JIRA connector now broken with JSONObject["name"] not found

Erica K March 10, 2020

In recent weeks, the Atlassian JIRA connector for Eclipse stopped working for me (and a number of others it seems). Based on the error message, it appears to be the same issue reported here. Can the plug-in be modified with the latest required update? I realize there has been no update on it since 2015, but until this change it was working nicely with the latest version of Eclipse.


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Jack Nolddor [Sweet Bananas]
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
March 10, 2020

As far as I know the connector was discontinued few years ago.

See We are discontinuing the support for Atlassian IDE Connectors article from June, 2015



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