Due Date has an Offset when I export Data into a Report

Thomas_eschenmoser June 26, 2024

As shown in the Attached Screenshot, the Due Date of the Task-4329 is 28.02.2024 in the JIRA GUI. In the Report it is 27.02.2024 23:00. I have a feeling that this could be related to time zone somehow. What I obseverd is that the time changes between 22:00 and 23:00. This could be a daylight-saving issue.2024-06-26_13-34-57.jpg


Is there anything I can do to get the expected Date (28.02.2024) in the Report?

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Hannes Obweger - JXL for Jira
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
June 30, 2024

Hi @Thomas_eschenmoser

yes, that's almost certainly a time zone issue. I believe that this has been around for a while (see e.g. this bug report), and AFAIK, there's no fix available. You might be able to do some scripting in Excel, however I haven't done this myself and therefore can't comment on the details. Alternatively, if you're open to solutions from the Atlassian Marketplace, you'll have more options available. I'll provide more information below.

Hope this helps,



Hannes Obweger - JXL for Jira
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
June 30, 2024

To expand on my last point: If you're open to solutions from the Atlassian Marketplace, there's a number of spreadsheet- and/or export-focused apps available that work around the limitations of Jira's built-in export.

As an example, this would work as expected in the app that my team and I are working on, JXL for Jira.

JXL is a full-fledged spreadsheet/table view for your issues that allows viewing, inline-editing, sorting, and filtering by all your issue fields, much like you’d do in e.g. Excel or Google Sheets. It also allows exporting your issues to Excel in just 2 clicks, including the exact time values that you see in Jira.

This is how it looks in action:


I should add that JXL can do much more than the above: From support for configurable issue hierarchies, to issue grouping by any issue field(s), sum-ups, or conditional formatting.

Any questions just let me know!

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