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  • Dropping Issues that are no longer required and moving automatically to Done as opposed to following the normal workflow

Dropping Issues that are no longer required and moving automatically to Done as opposed to following the normal workflow

Lisa Higgins April 9, 2012

Is there a way to change the status (may be status, may be some other function) of a story/bug if you decide it is no longer required? For example, if you enter a story into the backlog, and realize 3 weeks later that that story is no longer needed because the direction of the task changed, but you still want to keep track of the story and why the direction changed paths, so you don't want to just delete it.

The desired outcome would be that the story would be changed to "Dropped" and move automatically to Done, without having to go through the remainder of the normal issue workflow. Is there a way to do this?

2 answers

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Renjith Pillai
Rising Star
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April 9, 2012
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Colin Goudie
Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 9, 2012

You need a workflow transition from the 'open' state to the 'done' state. You can limit this transition to particular user roles so that only specific users can transition it.

Basically though, it is all just standard workflow that will enable you to do this. i.e. It isn't a special case as such

Lisa Higgins April 9, 2012

Thank you for this info.

Lisa Higgins April 9, 2012

Good moring, Looking through this option, I think that if I adjust a transition for my workflow, it is going to move all issues directly to done, as opposed to only those issues classified as dropped or duplicate. Is there a way to only move issues classified as dropped or a duplicate to Done?

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