Does the Burndown chart include Bugs?

Samuel Bar
September 18, 2023

Which types of issues are included in the Burndown chart?image.png

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Trudy Claspill
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September 18, 2023

Hello @Samuel Bar 

The burndown chart includes all standard level issue types - everything except Epics and subtask issue types.

Samuel Bar
September 18, 2023

Is it passible to exclude them?

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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September 18, 2023

The burndown chart available under the Reports option for a board will include all the standard issue types that are included in the board. If Bugs are in the board then they will be included in the chart.

You would have to change the filter of your board or create a second board that excludes the Bug issues to have them excluded from the chart.

Samuel Bar
September 19, 2023

@Trudy Claspill  Thanks for the fast response.

So if the bugs are included, they need to be estimated too in order to have an accurate chart(time or story pints)?

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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September 19, 2023

The chart will include all the estimation and tracking data for the standard level issues in your board.

The chart can't include information that is not present. If you don't provide any estimate or work tracking data for the bugs, then they will not be included in the chart.

One of the options for the burndown chart is issue count. Since Issue count doesn't require you to add information to an issue, a burndown based on that metric would include the bugs.

But with time or story points used for the metric, you have to add that information to each issue in order for that information to be included in the chart. The chart can't track burndown for an issue that has no time estimate or time logged against it (when using the time metric) or for an issue that has no story points assigned (when using the story points metric).

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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September 28, 2023

Hello @Samuel Bar 

If all your questions have been satisfactorily answered please consider marking my Answer as Accepted.

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