Does external database mean a database on a different server?

Sofie Knøsgaard
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December 4, 2018

When installing Jira applications on windows the guide says: "To run Jira in production you'll need an external database." If I want to use a SQL server, does this mean that I need a different server as the SQL server? For instance one virtual machine with Jira installed and another virtual machine functioning as the SQL server?

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Alexis Robert
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December 4, 2018

Hi @Sofie Knøsgaard


external database in this context means "anything but the embedded H2 database" that can be used for demo purposes.

You can very well use a separate VM for your database, or have it running on the same VM as Jira (but I wouldn't recommend it for performance reasons).


Let me know if you have any questions, 



Sofie Knøsgaard
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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December 6, 2018

Thank you so much!

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