Does Trac ticket import (in Jira Server version 7.x series) bring Trac COMMENTS into Jira?

Eiren Smith January 17, 2020

Does Trac ticket import (in Jira Server version 7.x series) bring Trac COMMENTS into Jira?

I have a 7.something Jira version installed locally and it has the import option for Trac that I was looking for. But I have to self-host that Trac instance to do the import. That will be significant work for our IT department.

Before I have them set up a self-hosted Trac instance just to import from (to get our tickets into Jira), I have a question:

Does anybody know if this option definitely imports comments from Trac tickets into Jira? If it drops the Trac comments, I'm not interested in doing the import.

I first asked this here:


3 answers

0 votes
eirens February 8, 2020

Maybe this table (with suggesting it migrates Trac "Comments" to Jira "Comments") is the answer.

There's no comment for that line, so perhaps this area is just amazingly handled? Or maybe not.

0 votes
eirens February 8, 2020

How can I get someone at Atlassian to look at this question?

0 votes
Eiren Smith January 21, 2020

Nobody knows?

Eiren Smith February 3, 2020

Perhaps somebody at Atlassian could weigh in here?

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