Does Trac ticket import (in Jira Server version 7.x series) bring Trac COMMENTS into Jira? I have a 7.something Jira version installed locally and it has the import option for Trac that I was l...
I would like to import tickets and files from my old Trac environment. The problem is, that my server just crashed and I dont want to setup a new Trac environment. I have backup of my Trac f...
Hello, we are currently trying to migrate from Trac to Jira, but have one really big problem: When I use the Trac Importer, the old Trac Issue ID will not be used as the new Jira Issue ID (e.g. Trac...
I'm trying to get my trac enviorment file in the correct zipped file format to import to bitbucket. I see where you would import to issues but I keep getting errors.
I would like to import old data from Trac to Confluence. Is this possible? From Trac to Jira it is no problem, because there is an administration tool for it, but does also exist a tool for C...
I am attempting to import into JIRA from Trac. First unpacked my tar.gz export and repackaged as a .zip. The first compliant was that conf/trac.ini was not found, so I created a folder c...
We are trying to import from Trac to JIra. We have a zip file containing the trac contents. When we try to import this to Jira, we get the following error: Cannot attach file U...
We have a hosted Trac instance with ProjectLocker. We are considering migrating to Jira (along with Bitbucket, etc...). We don't have direct access to the database file. We have access to the RPC i...
Hi All, I am performing Migration from Trac wiki to Confluence using UWC tool. I went through UWC Documentation, there is a portion which says to Export the Trac wiki's. Can anyone please h...
When doing a Trac to JIRA Migration, after uploading the zip file to JIRA via the web browser. The browser just shows a blank page. No errors or any information written to the either Catalina.out n...
Hi, we try to migrate from Trac to Jira including Stash and FishEye+Cruicible. Fisheye and Stash worked very well without much problems. Now I am stuck by migrating all tickets, wiki p...
We are trying to migrate to JIRA from Trac and plan on using it in combination with GreenHopper for scrum. We are using the built in Trac import plugin. In Trac we have requirements which are e...
...ystem' > 'Import & Export' > 'External System Import' > 'Trac'. But as a Jira Administrator account, I don't see IMport & Export in the menu. How do I enable it ? Thank you.
is there any existing way to import jtrac projects to jira?
My steps are: Copy the trac.env respective make a archive containing the trac.env Upload the archive with the "External system import", using "Trac" Except the timestamp issue (1.1.1970), a...
The priorities didn't set right when doing a Trac import, so I am just updating them via SQL. Sadly my UPDATE is changing all issues, and not the ones I want. I want update priority based on what t...
I'm evaluating JIRA using a Trac database. Everything imported correctly accept for the date field. It imported every date as 20/31/69 04:20 PM. This is for opened, updated, resolved date. I t...
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