Does Jira Cload for Excel also work with Zephyr Scale Test Cases

Larry McCarthy
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February 11, 2022

Want to export Zephyr Test Cases with additional information (Description, Objective Attachments, etc.) to excel from Jira  Does Jira Cloud also export Test Cases?

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
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February 12, 2022

Zephyr test cases are Jira issues, so I'd guess you can export those to Excel just like any other issue. So far so good.

But, I think you will not be able to steps and other Zephyr-specific details, because they are not stored in Jira-managed issue fields, they are stored in the Zephyr side which Jira knows nothing about.

We develop a paid and supported Excel exporter app that is integrated with Zephyr and can export Zephyr-specific details, too. 



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