Disable notifications when I’m assigned to a ticket I just created

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March 5, 2020


I have a rule (Project Settings > Apps > Automation) that assigns tickets to me when I create them. I don’t know if that has anything to do with this or if I just get notifications because a brand new ticket was assigned to me. Unfortunately it causes me to get a flood of notifications on iOS and in the sidebar (bell) icon. 


I really don’t want these notifications. I want them when someone assigns a ticket to me, even if I made it to begin with, but not when I’m assigning it to myself (whether or not it’s new, honestly). I already know I did something and it’s drowning out other important notifications. Is there any way I can disable notifications when a ticket I just made is assigned to me? I played with the Automation thing and under communication and I only see how to send an e-mail or initiate some sort of communication but nothing about how to suppress one. 

BTW this is a "next gen" project. 



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Ollie Guan
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March 5, 2020

Hello @trev ,

I want to confirm whether you are using a classic project or a next-gen project?

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I'm New Here
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March 5, 2020

Great question - it's next gen. I don't know the difference, an admin set it up for the group but I do get the purple banner at login they says next gen so I'm confident in that. 

I hadn't thought to mention this and added it to my original question. 


Ollie Guan
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March 5, 2020

As far as I know, the classic project can be configured with the email notification, but the next generation project is temporarily unavailable.

It is a feature request for the Next-gen projects. You can vote for it here:


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