Disable notifications in the mail.

How do I disable email notifications ? To not receive a message in gmail. Help please.

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Phill Fox
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March 6, 2020

It is not clear from your question if you are referring to the notifications from Jira or some other notifications. As you have posted this question in the Atlassian Jira Software section I am going to assume that you are referring to the notifications sent when an action is performed on an issue in Jira Software. 

I am also going to take the assumption that the change you want to make is to apply to all users in a project. 

To reduce the notifications that are sent you need to edit the aptly named notification scheme for each project. Note that shared notification schemes can only be edited by those with instance admin permissions. 

In the notification scheme you can define for different actions what people will be notified by project role, group membership, name, etc. 

Many organisations find the default setting to be very noisy and disruptive to work and so simplify the number of notifications to a minimum and ensure users use the tools within Jira to keep up to date rather than emails. 

Hope this helps



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