Dependent Dropdowns in CSV Imports

Joshua Smith June 14, 2024

Hi all,

I'm in a team-managed Jira Software project and need to import hundreds of issues via CSV. Some of the fields required for import are dependent dropdowns, but they are not importing properly.

The closest I've gotten is that it will import the parent dropdown choice only. So for example, if I was filling the issue out manually and the field is, "What's the weather like today?" The initial dropdown might have options "it's nice out" and "it isn't nice out". Then if I select "it's not nice out", a second dropdown would appear with options "it's too hot", "it's too humid", or "the air quality is bad"

I tried exporting and following the same format as the export, which is "it's not nice out -> it's too hot". It didn't import at all without the "->" but when I formatted it like the above export format, it does upload - but without the secondary choice, so if I view the issue it has "it isn't nice out" but the secondary dropdown is blank.

I haven't been able to find anything about this at all - has anyone worked with dependent dropdowns in CSV imports before? Thank you!

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Vikrant Yadav
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June 15, 2024

Hi @Joshua Smith  I tried same it's working fine. Separator is fine. 

USA -> New York

Try one thing, tried to export one existing issue into csv ( with dependent field column) having value in this field. In export, you will find the how values are separated in this field, You will use that same separator while importing issues via csv.

Issue Type Issue key Issue id Summary Custom field (Countries > States)
Story GOOG-15 10009 Test Case USA -> New York

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