Define upfront people how validate/review an issue.

Sebastian W December 8, 2011

I would like to define upfront users how have to approve later an issue.

Imagine there is a step "review" and multiple people should be notified. Afterwards

they come into JIRA and they have a button SIGN/APPROVE.

Once everybody approved the item it goes into the next status.

Is something like this possible in JIRA?



1 answer

1 vote
Deleted user December 8, 2011

You could achieve someting like this by:
- Defining a step "review" (and sending Emails out when the step is active)
- Defining custom fields/checkboxes for everyone who should sign/approve
- In the transition to the next step after "review" you could validate that the checkboxes are checked
- In the history of the issue you'll see who has checked the checkboxes as well as the date/time of checking...

If you don't want to manually go to the next step, this could be automated as well (periodic task checking for issues in review state with completed checkboxes).

Cheers, Philipp

Sebastian W December 11, 2011

Thanks a lot Phillipp,

I do not fully understand the following point:

- Defining custom fields/checkboxes for everyone who should sign/approve

Imagine you have a business requirement and you define upfront that there are 4 pre-defined people how should approve. These I could select via the Multi-User Picker and it is saved within the issue.

But now I need a Approval screen as you mentioned and on this screen a button/checkbox which kind of says: Approved/Failed.

Is there any possibility to add this logic based upon the users how have been saved upfront?

Thanks a lot,


Deleted user December 11, 2011

You are right: With my solution you would have to define the persons who should sign as custom fields/checkboxes.

This means: You can't specify different persons for different issues. The approval persons are same for an issue type / project.

An other solution would be defining 4-5 custom fields of type "person picker": Named person1, person2, person3,...

and 4-5 custom fields of type "checkbox" named person1 approval, person2 approval, ....

Afterwards you could define up to 4 or 5 people and they could sign off by clicking their checkbox.

But: The check if all have signed and the next step can be processed will become a little bit more complicated...

Cheers, Philipp

Sebastian W December 11, 2011

Ok. Thanks a lot. I think I will define only 1 person how can push the approve button. This person has the responsibility to get feedback from all other persons.

Thanks for your help Philipp

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