Default value for comments

Daniel Alonso August 10, 2018

Is there a way to add a template or default value in Comments field? Right now we are using Canned Responses but we want to by default comments have a template value. Is it possible to modify this on the vm files?

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Yevgen Lasman
Rising Star
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August 10, 2018

I would rather suggest to use add-ons which allow to modify UI than edit VM files. Custom vm-s will be lost during an upgrade and further versions changes in vm may break all of your work.

Daniel Alonso August 10, 2018

That's precisely what happened in this case, I made an upgrade and the users say that this Template functionality used to be on the instance, I verified and the vm files of the backup don't show big modifications on them.

I'm planning to install the backup on a separated instance to verify.

Yevgen Lasman
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 10, 2018

Bear in mind that most of these "dirty tricks" with vm/jsp modification are from those times when plugins just couldn't do what they can do now. After all it is much more convenient to modify what you need on a fly instead of restarting whole app just to fix a typo in a template.

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