Decorator Macro #quickSearch(): parameter for a certain space?

Gustav Stresemann October 13, 2011


is it possible to define a spacekey for the decorator macro #quickSearch()? I have found nothing. My current solution works, but I'm still trying to optimize.

Thank you

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Remo Siegwart
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November 16, 2011

The #quickSearch macro just calls the #customQuickSearch macro like this:

#customQuickSearch("" true true [])

The syntax of the #customQuickSearch is:

#customQuickSearch($prefix $accessKey $quickNavEnabled $searchOptions)

Prefix is just the prefix of the id of the html form. You should be able to pass the space key in the searchOptions:

#customQuickSearch("your-search-id-" true true [{"name":"where", "value":"$yourSpaceKey"}])

Hope this helps

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