Data not copying from Task to Subtask

Michael Pierotti June 26, 2024

So from what I can tell, I think I did everything correctly from the Jira docs yet when I create a subtask the two fields I want to copy from the parent to the child are still empty in the child. What am I doing wrong ?



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Trudy Claspill
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June 26, 2024

Hello @Michael Pierotti 

This is where your mistake is.

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 1.23.41 PM.png

You have set this instruction to copy the value into the subtask from the "Current Issue". At this point in the rule you have shifted the focus to the subtask, so the subtask itself is the Current Issue. You need to instead be copying the value from the Trigger Issue. You can click on that text (that I've surrounded with a red box) and get a pop-up that will allow you to specify the issue that has the source data.

However, you should not even need to use a branch for this. Within the step where you are creating the subtask you should be able to set the same field using the same Copy option.


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