Dashboard with one gadget providing totals of a filter

Mike Marien May 15, 2024

Hi All,

  I have been searching with no luck so I figured I'd ask.  I have filters created for counting specific tickets based on the critera of the filter.

  An example would be to give me all tickets in one Project.  And then a second to give me tickets in that Project that exclude users or a 3rd to give me tickets including specific users.

  Again, I created all the filters, but I cannot find a gadget that will allow me to just throw counts.  I don't need the list of the tickets, just the total counts of a specific filter.

  I've looked at a few addons but I cannot find something that is this simple.

  Just curious for thoughts/help. :) 

3 answers

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Danut M _StonikByte_
Rising Star
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May 15, 2024

Hi @Mike Marien,

Have a look over our Great Gadgets app. It offers some gadgets that will full-fill your request. They are easy to use.

Advanced Issue Filter Formula Gadget - let's you display the count from up to 6 filters, but also to sum-up fields, calculate average, percentages, ratios or any math formula. The result is displayed as number.


Issue Filter Formula gadget -  let's you display the count from one filter, but also to sum-up a field or calculate average. Result is displayed as a number or as gauge chart. 


Very useful for you could be also the Pivot Table & Pivot Chart gadget offered by the same app.

You could start with a 1-month of free trial. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at support@stonikbyte.com.

Hope this helps.


0 votes
Frank Leclerc _Decadis AG_ May 15, 2024

Hi @Mike Marien ,

have you already looked at the standard gadget "Filter Counts" from Atlassian?


When you select the filter and a measure (e.g. Total), it seems to me that exactly what you want is displayed.

Best regards

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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May 15, 2024

Hi @Frank Leclerc _Decadis AG_ 

I believe that gadget is for JSM customers only.  Have you see it installed without JSM?  Thanks!

Kind regards,

Mike Marien May 15, 2024

I like that gadget from what @Frank Leclerc _Decadis AG_ mentioned but we don't have JSM.

It seems weird tho that such a simple gadget would only be applicable to JSM and not conventional Jira.

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Chris Rainey
Rising Star
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May 15, 2024

Hey Mike,

I'm not sure this will give you exactly what you're looking for, but try a gadget called "Issue Statistics". The results are displayed like this: statistics1.PNG

It may not be super ideal since you'd need to configure it for each filter, but could be an option.

There is another dashboard gadget called "Filter counts", but you'd need to have access to Jira Service Management for this to be available. This is how that gadget would look:


Mike Marien May 16, 2024

So I did try down this route with the Issue Statistics gadget.  As I wanted to have 3 F1ilters for one year on a page, I ran into the Dashboard gadget limit of 20.

For the time being, I have created three pages with the 12 gadgets each.


That being said, I may try out what @Danut M _StonikByte_ suggested.  I'll test that out, if it does what I need.  I can subscribe and then ask for forgiveness from Finance instead of starting with permission. ;)

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