Dashboard view of Bugs and quick edit

tony wong September 15, 2022

HI Community

Does anyone know of any plugins or ability to pull a dashboard list of bugs in a single page based on on JQL query, have it grouped by user, and have the ability to edit the ticket comments on the same page. I know that you can query tickets today based on individual, but you would need to click on another page to open then scroll down to comments to edit.

Ideally a person running a bug scrub meeting can pull up a dashboard based on a jql filter, go thru user by user, and their bugs, then update the comments on the spot quickly without having to click thru each one.

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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September 15, 2022

@tony wong hi!

I wouldn't expect that kind of a functionality out of a dashboard. Dashboards are representation of issues. It would be a bit "bad", imho, to edit things on the fly (although I get your point).

However, out of curiosity, why you don't use the detailed view of and "search for issues"? You can JQL all your bugs, run them through on your list, and on the right, as the details are visible, edit the comments :) 

The image below is from cloud, but it's the same on server:

detailed view.png

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