Dashbboard - same gadgets with same columns but different column widths

mpu_wt May 8, 2024


I have created a dashboard. It contains two gadgets of type "Filterresults". They are configured same way by means they display the same columns.

One is used to show the epics of projects the seond one is used to show stories of the same projects.

As you can see below, the column widths differs between the two gadgets.


Do I have any chance to equalize the column widths?

Thank you in adnavace

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Walter Buggenhout
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May 8, 2024

Hi @mpu_wt,

No. The column width adjusts automatically to the length of the text (in this case the issue summary). Since you have summaries for your stories that are considerably longer, the gadget creates more space so your gadget doesn't become unnecessarily long. There is no way to lock in the column width.

Hope this helps! 

mpu_wt May 8, 2024

Hello @Walter Buggenhout ,

thank you for your answer. I did expect that. But somehow did hope that there may be a workaround.

Best regards,


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