Customizing Sprint Grid in Backlog view

Brent Hetland November 14, 2018


We are new to using Jira. I searched the community and couldn't find a thread on this...

Q. Can we customize the columns that display in the Sprint and Backlog grids, in the Backlog view?

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but MANY things make these grids difficult to read or not informative enough:

  1. There are no column names.
  2. The data that is displayed (other than the first column), is all right aligned and flow to the right (so the columns appear jagged).
  3. I'd rather see the Priority Number than the up / down arrows (the differences in the colors are very difficult to distinguish when using a projector).
  4. I'd like to display Remaining Time in the Sprint grids, rather than Original Time Estimate.

Thanks, Brent

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Rising Star
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November 14, 2018

Hi Brent

I'm not totally sure if I'm answering what you're asking, but if you go to Board settings by clicking on the 3 dots in the top right hand corner, then select the Card layout tab. Each Backlog item and each sprint item can have an additional 3 fields added to them.

Unfortunately, as far as I know, you can't remove fields that are already showing and you don't have any say in where these 3 items appear, apart from the order of them.

I hope this helps

Brent Hetland November 14, 2018

Thanks much Warren. I think your answer is our only choice for changing the layout of those grids. If it does help us customize the grids, the name "Card Layout" for that setting was poorly chosen.

Best Regards, Brent

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