Customized Description Templates for Issue Types

Kiran Kumar
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January 16, 2019

Hello All,

We are new to JIRA and would like to know if we can customize description part of a issue type auto populate with our own templates? We follow a pattern in writing a description for Story/ Bug/ Tech spec. So, now when we select a issue type, we would like to see the description pattern we have to be auto populated and allows us to edit accordingly2019-01-16_10-46-30.png


Let me know if you have question and looking forward to see responses 

Thank you


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Taranjeet Singh
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January 16, 2019

@Kiran Kumar You can use this third-party JIRA add-on: Default values for create issue screen which unfortunately isn't available for Cloud, only for Server.


You can also use this third-party add-on, which provides easy and powerful JIRA automation via SIL scripts:


For solving your use case, please see the exact documentation page for the above add-on here:


Please let me know if my answer helped you !

Kiran Kumar
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January 16, 2019

Thanks for your response. I have went through the documentation and this is exactly what we are looking for. Unfortunately, I cannot add Default Values for 'Create Issue'  add-on since i am not Admin. I will check with one of my admins and get back to you. 

Thanks again


Samantha C
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April 2, 2020

This seems like fairly basic functionality that should be able to be done within the UI via something like project settings. Unfortunately, our Jira instance is Cloud- Next Gen boards, so your first response item is not an option for us.

Is this something in Jira's roadmap to be made available in the near future? 

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Nazar Sobchuk
June 18, 2019

Hi Kiran,

If you're on Jira Server, you can utilize Smart Issue Templates add-on.

The plugin stores the input entered during the issue creation as a template which can be reused at any time to automatically populate the field values on the "Create Issue" form based on the selected template. 

Templates visibility can be private🔒(only you can use it) or public📢 (everyone can use it). Additionally, Templates can be either global🌎 (applicable to any project and issue type) or restricted⛔ (available for certain project(s) and issue type(s) combination).


Kind Regards,

Andy Heinzer
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June 24, 2019

Hi Nazar,

Thanks for posting your solution here.  I would though ask you to please review our Atlassian Community guidelines for Marketplace vendors and Solution Partners.  This particular post is not very old, and so it will likely remain on this thread, but our system has found you posting very similar solutions to dozens of related threads, many of which are much older than the 6 month age limit we ask Marketplace vendors not to post this kind of answer to.

Please also identify yourself as being affiliated with this vendor.  For example, our system would prefer you rename yourself to something along the lines of Nazar Sobchuk [Software Tank] for example.  This helps end users to better understand the affiliation of the person making such a recommendation to them.  While we welcome there might exist multiple solutions to a problem, we would prefer not to turn Community into a place solely where you advertise your product.



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Raul Pelaez _TecnoFor - Marketplace Partner_
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October 14, 2022
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Archana Punnoose
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November 12, 2021

A simple solution is to create a custom field with default value as a template. I am using this actively and I didnt go for a plugin. 

james gaulden December 15, 2021

Hello Archana,

What are the steps you did to perform this, I would like to try it.

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