Custom field with list of Jira business projects

Yaniv L
December 19, 2022

I'd like to add a new field to one of my screen.

This will be a select list (of multiple choice) field that will show all the existing business projects.

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Dave Mathijs
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December 19, 2022

Hi @Yaniv L ,

You can add a custom field of type Project Picker (single project)

Attention: This field will make project names visible to users even if users do not have access to the project. You also cannot limit the list to business projects only.

So, if you don't want this and you don't have too many business projects, then I would create a custom field from type  'select list single option' and fill the options manually with the names/keys of the business projects.

Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 14.40.51.png

Yaniv L
December 19, 2022

Thanks Dave but we need the user to be able to select multiple values and we want it to be connected to the our Jira projects.

I read there's an option to do so with ScriptRunner and I had a partial success with it.

I managed to load project names but when selecting one I get an error "Failed to find record with ID..."


Project list.jpgFailed to Find Record.jpg 

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