Custom field not searchable in Search issue

Emiliano Visioli April 9, 2024


I have more than one custom fields that are not searchable but I don't understand why.

The same fields are configured also in a stage env and there they works.

The only difference is that in stage is configured for all projects and issues while in production is configured for specific projects and issue type but the search isn't enabled also if I try in all projects and all issue types.

"Search template" is correctly filled and re-index has been performed after custom field creation.

What can be the problem?

Thank you,


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Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_
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April 9, 2024

Hi @Emiliano Visioli 

are you using the Basic or the JQL search? Not all custom fields are available in Basic search, especially when they are limited in their context. 

You should always be able to search their content through JQL though.

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