Custom Fields in Smart Values

Nofar Ben Kereth September 6, 2020



I have a rule that triggered on a specific issuetype creation and then sends a Slack message to a channel. For some reason I cant get the value of the custom fields name I want to send. I tried to following conventions:


{{issue."Employee Name".name}}

{{issue.[Employee Name].name}}

and some more... 

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Ste Wright
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September 6, 2020

Hi @Nofar Ben Kereth 

Are you trying to send the user's name to the channel?

If so, this should work:

{{issue.Employee Name.displayName}}

^ See this page for more information on using user smart values.


Ste Wright
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September 7, 2020

Hi @Nofar Ben Kereth 

Is the field type a user picker or a single/multi-line text field?

And is the project Next-Gen or Classic?


Nofar Ben Kereth September 7, 2020

Single line text, classic project. 

Ste Wright
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September 7, 2020

Hi @Nofar Ben Kereth 

This should work:

{{issue.Employee Name}}

^ I know you mentioned this hasn't worked above. I tested this in our instance and it worked, using a Send Email action (as our Jira isn't linked to Slack - but it should work the same way).

I would check:

  • "Employee Name" should be the actual name of your field - is it?
  • Is the field populated at creation? I.E populated prior to the "Create" button being pressed? Not via an Automation Rule or Post Function?

If both are yes, what data is being received in Slack when you use the above smart value?

You could also provide the full rule as a screenshot so we can try to replicate the exact scenario :)


Nofar Ben Kereth September 8, 2020



It worked for the field value. 



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Manon Soubies-Camy _Modus Create_
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September 6, 2020

Hi @Nofar Ben Kereth,

What is the type of this custom field? Can you try using {{issue.Employee Name}} ?

Hope this helps,

- Manon

Nofar Ben Kereth September 6, 2020

Hey Manon,


Type is text. 

I tried this convention as well and it didn't work. 




David Loszewski June 23, 2021

@Nofar Ben Kereth did you figure this out?  dealing with the same issue right now.   There is no value property and I've tried everything I can think of to display the value from this field. 

Ste Wright
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June 23, 2021

Hi @David Loszewski 

Does the Answer above not assist in terms of smart values?

If not:

  • What type of field is it?
  • What value are you trying to show?
  • Is it a Team-managed or Company-managed project?


Sanjay Sharma October 1, 2021

Hi Stephen,

I am facing with similar issue. i am simply sending an email with Invoice Number(name of the custom field) in body.


{{issue.fields.Invoice Number}}

{{issue.[Invoice Number].defaultValues}}

{{issue.[Invoice Number]}}

I have tried multiple syntaxes and it still comes out blank in the email.

The field is single line text and is being populated via a transition screen.


Ste Wright
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March 24, 2022

Hi Sanjay,

Did you find a resolution for this? If not, can you give an example of the text in Invoice Number?


Ade Adegoke June 16, 2022

Hi Stephen, 

I am facing a challenge on how to display custom field that has date and time. When i use this {{issue.Planned End Time}} it returns this 2022-04-19T16:30:00.0+0000. Is there a way to make this more recognizable.


Ste Wright
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September 2, 2022

Hi @Ade Adegoke 

Check out this help page, specifically the section entitled {{[date].[dateformat]}}


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Ade Adegoke September 9, 2022

Thanks Stephen. Got what i needed from there.

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Jamshid V_ April 18, 2024

Hi @Ste Wright   Please could you advise me for the same - for custom field type: Drop down. is below correct to display the 'Reported by' value in Slack channel using automation : 

{{issue.[Custom Field].displayName}}
My customer field is 'Reported by'  so I used {{issue.Reported by.displayName}} but Slack is not showing the value.

Ste Wright
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April 19, 2024

Hi @Jamshid V_ 

displayName is only needed when it's a user picker, to show the name of the user rather than the account ID.

You should be able to just use {{issue.Reported by}} for a dropdown field.


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