Creating issues from mail in JIRA studio?

Charlie Ibarzo September 29, 2011

Hi there,

It it possible to create issues from mail in JIRA Studio?

I have read at a the restrictions that configure services is restricted in Studio, so is there any other way?



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Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 29, 2011

Hi Charlie,

As it turns out we no longer create mail handlers on Studio instances.

Note that Studio's built-in issue comment creation piece will still be supported. It's only configuration of external email services that we're not going to do.


Deleted user September 29, 2011

Hi Luzia,

Can you elaborate on this? We are also looking to have this option enabled, but are not able to have any breakthrough so far.

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 29, 2011


Well, it's not possible to create issues via email anymore - in Studio!

JIRA Studio automatically add your reply to issue-related emails as issue comments. Issue-related emails are the emails whose subjects include issue keys.


Deleted user September 29, 2011

So, No additional configuration needed to comment on the issues via emails! This is cool. +1 for that!

But there iis a flaw as well. I tried it on one of the bugs in our system. It added the entire email thread as a comment. This could be a pain in the long run to sift through the comments. You know what I mean.

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 29, 2011

Good point!

That's possible something our developers have not set! Interesting that our customers have not reported that yet.

Nikhil, may I ask you to open a support case about that so we can investigate and raise the bug?


Deleted user September 29, 2011

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