Creating an Automation with details from another project

Hermeus January 9, 2025

Hello! I need assistance with creating an automation that pulls information from another project in our Jira Datacenter instance

A user has requested to create an automation that triggers when a ticket from Project A has custom field 'Orientation Date' that falls within Projects B's ticket that has a summary of 'New hire onboarding' that falls within its 'Target start' and 'Target end' dates. 

If the 'Orientation Date' falls within Project B's dates, then the automation should link Project A's ticket to Project B's ticket.

If there is not a ticket in Project B that matches the date threshold of Project A's 'Orientation Date', then the automation link should not trigger until there is a ticket created in Project B that has the dates. 

So far I have attempted to create the automation in Project A but I am stuck on how to relate the dates from the different projects in the automation.  

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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January 9, 2025

Hello @Hermeus 

What version of Jira Data Center are you using? That will impact the functionality available in the Automation feature.

Are you a Jira Administrator?

Hermeus January 9, 2025

I am a Jira Admin and its version 9.14.1.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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January 9, 2025

Thank you for that additional information.

The first thing to note is that the rule will have to be multiple-project scoped, identifying both Project A and Project B as in scope on the Rule Details page. Have you already done that?

Can you show us the rule you have built so far?

Let us also talk about the scenarios you want to handle.

Triggers are a response to an issue activity, like Issue Created or Field Value Changed. You can then add Conditions, like Summary equals "New hire onboarding" to decide if the rule should continue to run.


1. When an issue is created in Project A
Condition: the Orientation Date field is not empty.
Condition: the Orientation Date value is within the range of Target Start/Target End dates in a Project B issue that has the summary "New hire onboarding"
Action: Link the two issues

What if there is a match to more than one Project B issue?
Does the status of the Project B issue matter?

2. When the Orientation Date in an issue in Project A is updated

Question: Do you want to re-evaluate the link to Project B issues in this case, or leave the links as they are?

3. When an issue in Project B is created
Condition: with the Summary equal to "New hire onboarding'
Condition: Target Start and Target End are not empty
Condition: Issue exists in Project A with an Orientation Date value in the Project B issue's Target range
Action: Link the issues


4. When the Target Start and/or Target End dates in a issue in Project B are updated
Condition: with the Summary equal to "New hire onboarding'
Condition: Target Start and Target End are not empty

Do you want action taken in this scenario?


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