Creating a general workflow

dennish_dcsorg_com December 3, 2018

I'm new to Jira. We are looking to see if we can create functionality similar to what we had in Dynamics CRM.


Can we create general workflows that are use say for any sales project. The idea being that we start a sale project that has pre-defined stages, so as a person completes each stage the tasks are closed, emails sent and the overall project moves to the next "stage"

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Yogesh Mude
Rising Star
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December 3, 2018

HI @dennish_dcsorg_com

Yes, you can create a workflow and workflow can be associated with Issue types.

And the same workflow can be shared with multiple projects.

The idea being that we start a sale project that has pre-defined stages, so as a person completes each stage the tasks are closed.

In this case, you need to create a workflow and associate with an issue type, the workflow has the different statuses so user/team will create a ticket and the ticket will transit/move/change the status/stage accordingly and once the all the stage completes the ticket will close/resolve.

dennish_dcsorg_com December 3, 2018

Thats good to know. Thanks. Being completely new to Jira I'm still working on wrapping my head around it. So if I wanted to create something that does the following:


1) Create a project parts sale

step 1 is salesperson creates and sends quote, waits for response from client

Step 2 Client ok'd so now sales person closes his task and it goes to accountant (who receives notification email) who will be receiving a deposit for order

Step 3 accountant receives deposit so they close their task and it now hardware people are notified about their part (review and ship)

Step 4 hardware ships stuff and marks it as sent (email to client and separate email to accounting)

Step 5 accounting receives notice to send final billing

Step 6 payment received. Project done


If possible could you help me out with some basic framework for this? Once I have an idea I can take it and flesh it out and create more. Time constraints are a factor here or I'd just start looking everything up (which I'm still doing). If I can get a basic outline of this working I can work from there.

Yogesh Mude
Rising Star
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December 3, 2018

HI @dennish_dcsorg_com

I have created a basic workflow with considering the above points.

If you want to notify an accountant, customer or the sales people then work with Notification scheme.

You can create a notification scheme and use it like whenever ticket will assign to the accountant/sales team/customer then they will get notifications.there are a lot more events are there using which you can send a notification as you want.

Regarding workflow please have a look at this page.

Yogesh Mude
Rising Star
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December 3, 2018


dennish_dcsorg_com December 4, 2018

Thank you so much! Have a question, what do yellow and dark grey represent? When I set a status I have either green in progress or light grey to-do.

Yogesh Mude
Rising Star
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December 4, 2018

HI @dennish_dcsorg_com

Generally, light gray, yellow and green represent To DO/open/not yet started, In progress/waiting for customer and Done/close/resolved/payment received respectively.


dennish_dcsorg_com December 5, 2018

Ok. Thanks. I've created the workflow and I've gotten it to work as far as emailing. Once thing I've noticed which could be a hindrance is when I create a new project is there a way to create a project template that will use the new workflow by default? Now I have to pick a template, then edit the project settings and choose the new template.

Yogesh Mude
Rising Star
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December 5, 2018

HI @dennish_dcsorg_com

Whenever you will create a new project then it will create a set of default functionalities like ..Workflow scheme, Permission, Notification scheme etc..

is there a way to create a project template that will use the new workflow by default?

Let say you have an existing project called XYZ and now you want to create a project called ABC with the shared configurations like XYZ project then while creating project choose to create a project with shared configuration and create it..

dennish_dcsorg_com December 6, 2018

Ah, so I could create projects with the settings I want and use them as settings templates for all other projects.

dennish_dcsorg_com December 6, 2018

In the workflow there is a condition where a deposit ma be required for the item to ship. I created WAITING FOR DEPOSIT and then once received they would move it to SHIPPED, however there are small items that don't require a deposit. I'd like to create the flow so that if the flow went through WAITING FOR DEPOSIT that after SHIPPED they couldn't close it out, the final step would be FINAL BILLING. If the item didn't require a deposit then they could move it from shipping to done and not be able to move to FINAL BILLING. Is that possible?

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