Creating a Service ticket using automations

Patrick Windsor June 1, 2020


We have a need for our users to open service tickets from a Jira project using the automation functionality. When I go into a JIRA Classic project and create an automation, when I get to the "New Action" page I do not see any "Service Desk" actions available. Is there a configuration in my JIRA service desk that I have not set up? Is this not supported?

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John Funk
Community Leader
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June 1, 2020

Hi Patrick,

I would think you should see those. Are you starting from a particular project? Or from just the main Rules menu? 

Can you include a screenshot of what you see?

Patrick Windsor June 1, 2020

Here is what I See



John Funk
Community Leader
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June 1, 2020

I kind of thought that's what you might see. 

Maybe delete the URL back to where this is the end of it: cb-jira-automation-rules#!/

You probably have the project tacked on to the end. 

Patrick Windsor June 1, 2020

@John Funk thank you, that did it! I have accepted your answer!

John Funk
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 1, 2020

Great! Glad I could help.  :-)

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