Creating LabelManager object in Jira 4.4

David Joyce
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November 15, 2011

I am looking to get a hold of a LabelManager object in my Jira Listener code.

I don't see an obvious way to get a hold of this object

For my FieldAccessor I perform the following:

FieldAccessor fieldMgr = ComponentAccessor.getFieldAccessor();

How do I get a LabelManager in 4.4?

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Mikael Löwenadler
Rising Star
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November 16, 2011

Cant you get one using pico container by adding a LabelManager in constructur parameters ?

David Joyce
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 18, 2011

Have you a code snippet of how I might achieve this?

Mikael Löwenadler
Rising Star
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November 19, 2011

private LabelManager labelManager;

// the constructor of your listener

public YourListener(final LabelManager labelManager) {

this.labelManager = labelManager;


Provided your class is managed by pico container.

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Rising Star
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November 19, 2011

If your object where you want to use thevlabel manager is not instantiated by pico you can get it using this snippet

LabelManager labelManager = ComponentManager.getComponentInstanceOfType(LabelManager.class);

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