Creating Dashboard for Parent Child relationship

Vikash Kumar May 23, 2024

I have Epics which may have multiple underlying tickets. Both of these have a related field called fix version which has defined values from a drop down with the expectation that the values for fix version of each ticket has the same value as that for Epics.
I want to create a visual which highlights all the epics for which any of the underlying tickets do not match the fix version value to that of the epic.

1 answer

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Mikel Garcia Bartolome May 24, 2024

Hi @Vikash Kumar

Sadly, this cannot be achieved using native functionality. You need to go for a third party instead.

Using JQL Booster Pack or Scriprunner you can perform subqueries, that it will solve your problem, and it is not possible to do in native Jira.

The next query might work (with plugins):

issuetype = Epic AND issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("project = <YourProjectKey> AND fixVersion is not EMPTY", "is Epic of") AND issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("fixVersion != linkedIssueFunction('fixVersion')", "is Epic of").

Alternative: Ussing Jira Automation.

You can also set up an automation rule to flag or label epics with mismatched fix versions for easier tracking. Here’s how:

1- Create a New Automation Rule:

     Go to project Settings → Automation → Create Rule

2- Set a Trigger:

     Use the Field Value Changed trigger on the fixVersion Field.

3- Add Conditions and Actions:

     Add conditions to check if the issue type is an Epic and if the fix version of any child issue does not match.

     Add an action to flag, label, or transition the epic.


Hope this helps you.

Vikash Kumar May 27, 2024

Hi Mikel,
What does the 'issueFunction' stand for because I am not getting this on my Jira. Error message being 'Field issuefunction' does not exist

Mikel Garcia Bartolome May 27, 2024

Hello again :).

As I told you, this cannot be done in native Jira, you need external plugins.

The issueFunction is a part of JQL functions provided by the ScriptRunner for Jira. If you're getting an error message saying that the 'Field issuefunction' does not exist, it's likely that the necessary plugin is not installed or not enabled in your Jira instance.

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