Created Vs Resolved Chart not capturing Resolved issues

Celia Charrier October 13, 2022


I am trying to make use of the chart in Jira but the Created Vs Resolved Chart is not capturing the resolved items. Status is Done, resolution is Done. As you can see on the screenshot below, 5 items have been created.


Those 5 items have now been closed. Not necessarily the same week but they have been which doesn't show at any date on the board. 


Can anyone advise?

Many thanks,


2 answers

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Mayur Jadhav
Community Leader
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October 13, 2022

Hello @Celia Charrier ,

Hope you are doing good!!

It could be either one of the causes:

  • The Resolution field is hidden in the Field Configuration for the affected Issue Type or Project. If the Resolution field is hidden, the functionalities that related to the Resolution field will be lost.
  • The Resolution field is not added into the Resolve issue screen.


Atlassian has a very detailed document on Created vs. Resolved chart showing incorrect count of resolved issues



Hope this information helps!!



Celia Charrier October 13, 2022

Thank you Mayur! I'll try to change the config now.

Celia Charrier October 13, 2022

Hello, it looks like my field isn't hidden.


And the field is associated to my screen


But I am still seeing the same issue


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Patricia Francezi
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 13, 2022

Hi @Celia Charrier 

Is your filter capturing these issue types?

If possible can you share it?

Celia Charrier October 13, 2022

Hi @Patricia Francezi

Yes, my filter is for all bugs raised except the ones tagged as technical debt. It is picking them up. For the 5 created issues mentioned as an example above, the filter is 

filter = 11954 AND created >= -60d AND created >= 2022-08-21 AND created < 2022-08-28

When filter 11945 is

project = DP AND issuetype = Bug AND status in (Backlog, "Ready for Development", "In Development", "Code Review", "Ready for QA", Done, "In QA", "UX DESIGN", Requirements, "Ready For Deployment") AND component in ("A*****) AND labels not in (Tech_Debt)

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