Create issue with direct HTML *specifying fields by value instead of key*

aaron_alpert June 5, 2024

I am trying to create a one-click issue creation link in another (non-Jira) app. I start with

https://<my Jira domain>/secure/CreateIssueDetails!init.jspa?

and from there append a bunch of key/value pairs. For one of the key/value pairs, it exists in Jira as a Select List. For example, say that custom field 10001 has options

  • id=10237, value=Blue
  • id=15466, value=Red
  • id=16444, value=Green

In the originating app, I have the values, so what I'd really like to do is append my link with


However, Jira expects the ID, as shown below:


How can I either get Jira to accept the value (e.g., Blue) instead of the ID (e.g., 10237) in the issue creation link, or how can I do some kind of dictionary look up to find the ID of a given field/value pair? Note that the Select List options change frequently, so it will be impractical to hard code a dictionary.



2 answers

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aaron_alpert June 13, 2024

What I ended up doing --


The "values" I have are actually users in a Quickbase table (Quickbase is a 3rd party database). I use the user search API (rest/api/3/user/search) with { 'query' : '' }, looping through each of the users in my Quickbase table and their respective email addresses. In the response, I have the accountId, which is written back to the Quickbase table. This script is implemented in a JLN notebook in Nebari and runs nightly at 11pm, so that new users get their Jira account ID's copied to the Quickbase table.


Now, I can have Quickbase compose a URL, starting with https://<my Jira domain>/secure/CreateIssueDetails!init.jspa? and appending assignee=<Jira account ID>

0 votes
Gyeorye Lee June 5, 2024

Hi Aaron.

Have you tried with customfiled_10001.value or

aaron_alpert June 6, 2024

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately neither nor customfield_10001.value=Blue worked. I tried a few other things, such as moving the .name and .value around, and enclosing Blue in quotation marks. On the plus side, it also didn't give me the "Specify a valid value for 'Color'" error, which happens when customfield_10001=Blue. Instead, it just leaves the field as the default blank value.

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