Create issue layout bug

C S Seshagiri April 10, 2024

Hi Team,

We are facing weird behaviour of create issue layout. We have two required fields in this layout: Summary and Work Type. Work type is missing for some reason and this does not allow to create a ticket. I have checked project settings to see if there were any changes and no, work type is in place. Once I am back to create issue , work type field magically appears in place.Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 19.22.08.png However, even when I am able to create an issue, it shows notification that issue is not visible (see screenshot attached). The whole team affected, no team member is able to create issue normally.

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John Funk
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April 10, 2024

Hi C S,

That's a normal notice. When issues are created they go to the first status in your workflow. That's often the Backlog status, which is not on the board and thus the issue is not visible from where you currently are. 

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