Create button in all columns

Brandon Garrett February 19, 2024


Recently We noticed that we are now seeing the option to create an issue (EPIC, etc) In any column.  Previously, the create option was only available in the initial column for our projects.

We have a lot of different projects and this affected all of them at once.  I do not know where this change would have been enabled or disabled, but I checked workflows in admin settings and couldn't find anything that seemed applicable.  This happened some time in the last week.  

I am aware that I could create a rule that makes any issue created in the wrong column move to the starting column, but that is a messy solution and I need to figure out why this happened globally.  Can anyone provide suggestions on where to look or if this has happened to them before?  I looked at a bunch of posts and couldn't find one similar to this.

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John Funk
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February 19, 2024

Hi Brandon - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I assume this is for a Team-managed project. Can you confirm that? 


Brandon Garrett February 20, 2024

Hey John.  Yes, thank you.  This is for team managed projects

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Brandon Garrett February 20, 2024

I also noticed that we do not have a default workflow active and being applied to our Jira boards. it is currently listed as "inactive" and I cannot figure out how to enable it.
jira 1.png
I played with one of the boards and the workflow looks like this: 


I think the 'Any Status' below each column is what is causing the problem, but I do not want to go into each individual board and change the workflow as it is extremely time consuming and this issue happened globally across all projects, not for one or two boards.

John Funk
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February 20, 2024

How did you get to the list of Workflows? Because that looks like the list for Company-managed projects, not Team-managed. 

To see the workflow for a Team-managed project, go to Project Settings > Issue Types, then click on Edit Workflow button at the top right. 

Brandon Garrett February 21, 2024

Hi John,

For the first picture, I got the list of workflows by clicking settings in the top right and going to issues.

The second picture you see is the workflow for the individual project which was accessed via Project Settings > Issue Types > Edit workflow.

The point I am trying to make, however, is that these individual workflows were not modified.  So something happened globally to all of our team managed projects.

John Funk
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February 21, 2024

The workflows that you see when you go through the first part is for Company-managed projects only. This allows you to create workflows that are shared across Company-managed projects. 

Workflows created within Team-managed projects are only available for that single project. So if this is a Team-managed project, you have to go into that project - there is no global setting for multiple Team-managed projects. 

Brandon Garrett February 22, 2024

Thank you for the reply.  I was able to test this with the support team yesterday but they were not able to give me an answer.  

ALL of our team managed projects have had this change happen simultaneously.  What is even more strange, (as a test) is that when you add a column or status in the workflow on these projects, the create button does not appear.  It is only applying to current columns.

 I appreciate you making the distinction between team managed and company managed projects and explaining what does and does not apply to them .

However, I do think there is something else going on.  It appears the problem may not be caused by a workflow change as per the test description above.  I have an open support ticket but as this is affecting literally all our projects the need for a fix is urgent.

Brandon Garrett February 22, 2024

Hey John,

I am not crazy!  This is apparently a recent 'enhancement' of the product: Discover the latest enhancements ✨ to Issue Creati... - Atlassian Community

I can't say I am a fan of it though...

John Funk
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February 22, 2024

Yeah, not a fan of that either. It's fraught with danger for users who want to bypass the process and jump again. I would ask support if there is a way to turn this off for you instance, and if not to have them enter a ticket to add that capability. 

I will leave a comment as such on that announcement post. 

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