Couldn't create the child issue

Phyllis Lazarek
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July 2, 2024

I get an error .  the pop up says We couldn't create the child issue

Job Title is Required.


Well this is the first step in adding a child issue, all you need at this screen is entering a name.  No option to add a job title at this point.



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Trudy Claspill
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July 2, 2024

Hello @Phyllis Lazarek 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

With what type of project are you working? Get that information from the Type column on the View All Projects page under the Projects menu.

This is probably being caused by a Validator in the issue creation process that is telling Jira to require an entry in the Job Title field. If it is not also popping open a Create Issue dialog to let you fill in that information, then the requirement is implemented by using a Validator only, rather than setting the Job Title field to be always required.

You are going to need to get help from your Jira Admins to resolve this, if you are not yourself a Jira Admin.

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