Copy/Paste Images

Johnny.Pitts April 12, 2024

I've been able to use copy/paste for my images but now I keep getting an error stating "Something went wrong, please try again" and all my images from other test cases are showing a broken link image.  Please help !

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Brant Schroeder
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April 12, 2024

@Johnny.Pitts Welcome to the Atlassian community

What browser are you using?  Is this happening in all browsers?  Have you tried clearing your cache?  For the images that have a broken link is it on all images pasted in the past or just some of them?  Are past images broken in all browsers?  Is this happening for others as well?

Johnny.Pitts April 12, 2024

@Brant Schroeder I'm using Chrome Browser Version 123.0.6312.107. I also tried on Edge and same issue.  The images that show broken link are from test cases I created in the past and they all show the broken link.  I have cleared cache/cookies, re-started my PC and still no luck, it was working all week, just started this morning.


This is how all my older test case image appear  Older.jpeg


Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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April 12, 2024

@Johnny.Pitts If you hover over the image does it show a local link location?

Johnny.Pitts April 12, 2024

@Brant Schroeder It's now all of a sudden working :-) Thanks for your response to my initial post. Have A Great Weekend.

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