Confluence bar chart with input from Jira

Ronja_Binder June 17, 2024


I would like to create a bar chart in Confluence that takes the information from the table in Jira. Accordingly, I have already selected the bar chart macro from the table and the Jira macro to search for the respective tickets using the filter function. Now I would like, for example, to search for individual labels from the table, which should then describe the columns, as well as the information from certain labels to display the respective bars in color. At the moment I can only select fixed fields such as the status. Is there a workaround for this?

Thank you very much! 

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Stiltsoft support
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June 17, 2024

Hi @Ronja_Binder ,

We see that you've tagged our app that is Table Filter, Charts & Spreadsheets for Confluence, so we assume that you are trying to use the Chart from Table macro that we develop.

Here is our documentation how to create different types of charts in Confluence. And here are several examples regarding the charts created from the Jira Issues macro.

Not sure that we've got your original question: if the question is if you can create charts based on filtered or aggregated Jira Issues table, then the answer is yes.

You wrap your Jira Issues macro in the Table Filter macro (and/or in the Pivot Table macro) and then in the Chart from Table macro on top. All our macros are compatible and they can be nested.

If you are stuck, you may refer to our support, share your source table and describe the desired output.

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