Configuring Issue Collectors so that the Reporter is the Submitter?

Krista Nicol April 4, 2023


I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to link the user that submits a Jira intake issue from a web-based issue collector to the reporter field in Jira. Currently, we have the Name, Email, Submitter Name, and a unique identifier in the issue collector form. Is there a way through automation or the configuration of the collector itself to assign the reporter as the user who submitted the ticket?

Appreciate any help on this!

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Brant Schroeder
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April 4, 2023

@Krista Nicol The short answer is no.  The reason is that a reporter needs to be a licensed user in Jira.  When someone submits the issue collector they can be anyone and in order to make this work you would need to use an app that would allow you to create a user in Jira and provide them with a license when the issue is created and then assign them as a reporter after that is done.  You can do it technically but you would be giving random individuals access to your Jira instance.   The better way to go is to use Jira Service Management and use automations to create issues in your software instance and link them together.  

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