Condition to check if issue appears on a certain kanban board

Ian Balas August 18, 2020

Hi all,

A user in my instance wants to enable a checklist custom field marked required before issues can move to the "Done" status.

Setting this as a validator (using JMWE) was no problem. But now we're looking into using this validator for issues that only appear in the kanban board we work off of (and no other).

The saved filter for our board (titled EIP) pulls issues from 3 separate projects and excludes some issue types:

(project in (Mule, SPLYCHN, Lookr) AND issuetype not in ("Support Request", "New Project", "New Space", "Operations Task") ORDER BY Rank) 

Some of the issues pulled by this query appear on other boards...but we don't want the checklist field to be required if they appear on boards other than the EIP board we're focusing on.

Is it possible to refer to kanban boards in workflow conditions/validators?

P.S. We also utilize Scriptrunner and JMWE


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Ian Balas August 20, 2020

I found a way to make this possible.

Turns out the EIP board is a scrum board rather than a kanban board. With that, I was able to add a condition to the 'Checklist' field validator to be in effect only if the issue falls an EIP sprint:

 Screen Shot 2020-08-20 at 8.26.19 AM.pngUse this validator in the workflow(s) for any project referenced in the saved filter that's displaying the board, and you're all set.

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John Funk
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August 18, 2020

Hi Ian - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I don't believe you can refer to a board with the validator. You will need to come up with the right combination for your JQL.

Perhaps @David Fischer can help. 

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