Compare 5 field contents and write the highest value in a field

Claudia Hossmann July 7, 2024

I would like to compare 5 fields (custom fields - select list (single choice)) in an issue and write the highest value or these 5 fields (only values 1-6 can be selected) in another custom field (also a single-choice field).

Can this be done with Jira Cloud Automation and how?

1 answer

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Tim Kopperud
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July 7, 2024

Hi @Claudia Hossmann, you might use the smart value math function MAX() for this. 

The principle is like this: 

{{#=}}MAX(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6){{/}}

Adding this to the automation e.g. like this:


will return 6 as seen here


So, you can the use MAX(e,1,e2, ...) mentoined at the end of this page Automation smart values - math expressions | Cloud automation Cloud | Atlassian Support

Replace 1,2,3, etc with your custom fields, like this example:

{{My customfield A}},
{{My customfield B}},
{{My customfield C}},
{{My customfield D}},
{{My customfield E}})

Edit this code to match your field names, and paste it into an Edit issues fields action as shown here, where I used the summary field (replace summary with your "result field"):



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