Commit Hooks (Smart Commits)

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August 6, 2012


i am useing stash 1.1 for repository management and it's connected with Jira 5.1. I found no way to define commit hooks. I would like to close/fix a issue with a commit. I find out that fish-eye has this option, named smart commits. Whats about stash?

Best regards


4 answers

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Rising Star
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August 6, 2012

Hi Martin,

There's a new feature request at about implementing smart commits in Stash. I recommend to vete on the issue and also set yourself as watcher in order to receive updates about future implementations. Here the ticket:

0 votes
Benjamin Mueller March 8, 2015

Hey Martin,

I think the plugin Smart Commits for Stash is what you search for. I have started the development last year. Now the basic function-set is complete. What is your opinion about the current functionality? Do you have any use case which you would like to see in further releases?

If you have further questions please contact me.



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Tom Towkach August 6, 2012

That's a good question. I think it will work because FishEye will process the message used to check in. I have my Stash and Git repos integrated with FishEye / Cruicible. I have JIRA integrated with FishEye and my source code tab and reviews tab show up.

I'll configure smart commits and let you know.

Narcélio Filho
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July 11, 2013

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Norman Abramovitz
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August 6, 2012

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