Comments on an issue are not included in the Send Web Request payload, any idea why?

Graeme Baker
October 1, 2023


  • Source Jira:
    • Data Center 9.4.5
    • Automation for Jira 8.2.2
  • Target Jira:
    • Data Center 9.4.9
    • Automation for Jira 8.1.2


  • I want to do a one way sync from 1 instance to another, using the Send Web Request automation action, and the Incoming Webhook on the target
  • When there are comments on the source issue, these do not seem to be included in the payload at all
  • Logging and inspecting {{webookData}} reveals no comment info
  • If I fire the request off to pipedream or similar, I can't see any either
  • jira2.png


  • I'm not savvy enough with Advanced edit to create the JSON structure for all of {{comments}}
  • As a workaround, I write the following to a custom field
  • {{#triggerIssue.comments}}
    *Comment by: {{author.displayName}} at: {{created.mediumDateTime}}*


  • This is included in the payload received at the other end, and I can write a single comment to the newly created issue
  • Then for new comments, I just have another pair of rules dealing with each comment, which works fine


  • Does anyone know why the comments aren't included in the issue data for the Send Web Request action, where Issue Data is selected?
  • Is there a better way to do this, without having to construct the entire JSON object myself as Advanced Field work?

Thanks everyone!

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