Collapsing and Expanding Swimlanes

Carl October 19, 2020

This isn't really a question, so much as a suggestion.

When using Swimlanes in a sprint, the sub-tasks are shown in their own row and in my opinion ruin the aesthetic of the 'board' as everything becomes longer and harder to read (as opposed to bunched up when they're just tasks).

I'm wondering if there is a way to collapse the swimlane or hide the task, so that the sub-tasks look the same as the regular tasks.

You can collapse the swimlanes but this just shows the parent task where as I'd like to collapse the swimlane and just see the sub-tasks in amongst the regular tasks.

Does this make sense?

What do you guys think? Anyone else feel this way?

2 answers

2 votes
Brant Schroeder
Community Leader
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October 19, 2020


  I looked and was not able to find an enhancement request suggesting what you are looking for.  There were several relating to collapsing a swimlane.  I would suggest reading through the enhancement requests and voting for any that relate your issue (I did not see any) or submitting a new request.

0 votes
Carl October 21, 2020

Thanks Brant, 

I realized changing the swimlanes to be ordered by assignee and not by stories made it present in a way that works for me now. I think I'll stick with this and see how it goes.



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