Clear Assignee

IT November 6, 2022


I have to clear assignee field when issue is updated.

I have custom field Groups(single - select list)

If the value is updated for this my assignee field should be clear .I tried with Listener but it not happening 





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Dave Mathijs
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November 6, 2022

Hi @IT , this can be done with an automation rule, either for specific project, multiple projects you select or all projects.

Issue trigger: Field value changed (Rule is run when an issue's field value changes.)

IT November 7, 2022

Thanks @Dave Mathijs 

It's happening 

Can you please tell why we cannot do with listener (Assignee (system field))

Dave Mathijs
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November 7, 2022

Listeners may be based on issue events, they are most useful when you want to drive or affect external systems from events which occur within Jira.

For this use case, I simply prefer an automation rule above a listener. It's easier set up, you can do it via the UI and automation is designed for these kinds of triggers.

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IT November 7, 2022

Thanks @Dave Mathijs 

Dave Mathijs
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November 7, 2022

Thanks to accept the answer if it helped you.

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Dan Anas
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May 1, 2024

Hi, Dave! I hope you're well! What was the action you used on this automation rule??

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